Normal operating hours: M-F 8am-4:30pm
The Farmers Elevator is now offering Free DP for corn and soybean bushels brought in after Dec 13, 2024.
If you are a Plenish grower, please have a sign in your window notifying the scales that you have plenish beans to dump. We need to know this before you are sent to the dump. We have copies of signs available if needed. Thank you!
Effective September 19, 2024
Corn and Soybean Delayed Price
Flat Rate - $.00/bu
Monthly Rate - $.13/bu
No DP Charges if priced within 7 calendar days of delivery. Monthly rate is prorated daily.
Delayed Priced Grain cannot be used to fill forward contracts or be transferred to open storage or basis contracts per state regulations. If you do not have a current delayed price agreement on file, please request from the office and return.
**Due to market changes, these rates are subject to change without notice**
Effective June 20, 2024
Wheat Delayed Price
Flat rate $.00
Monthly Rate $.10/bu
No Charge if priced within 10 days.
Wheat Open Storage
Flat Rate $.15/bu
Monthly Rate $.10/bu
No charge if priced within 10 days.
NK and FS InVision Seed Corn and Beans
Call Marty & Ryan at North Creek 419-398-2325